Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This too shall pass.

"The Progressives of 100 years ago wanted to
  • popularize presidential selection
by rewarding candidates gifted in the popular art of inflaming excitement through oratory. They opened a door through which, eventually,
  • strode George Wallace, Jesse Jackson, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, Howard Dean and others.
  • Ceaser notes that the candidate whose path to the presidency most resembled Obama’s was Jimmy Carter.

He, too, used an intensely personal and inspirational appeal to compensate for a thin résumé. Having courted the public with flattering rhetoric—promising “a government as good as the American people”-...He had been selected by a process that rewarded running as a solitary savior, offering his personal qualities—his supposed moral excellence—as the key to national improvement.

  • ...the selection process...
  • begins again, soon." (George Will)

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