Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Next GOP president and congress must be prepared to eliminate some fed. agencies, jobs, and regulations-Lord

10/18/11, "Clark Clifford Republicans," Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator

p. 5, "And it's very safe to say that when the day comes that the next Republican President and any Republican Congress that served with him or her leaves office, these people will have a few questions:

Is the federal government smaller than when you took office?

How many Cabinet Departments did you eliminate?
How many federal agencies did you eliminate
How many government regulations did you eliminate
How many federal jobs did you eliminate?
How many federal employees did you cut from the federal payroll?

And perhaps last but not least.

How many Clark Clifford Republicans did you gently un-employ and send home by doing this?

And did they go?"

via Instapundit

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