Thursday, September 26, 2013

Congrats to Gallup for inspiring 5 misleading anti-Tea Party headlines-Legal Insurrection. Updated: CBS-NYT poll shows Tea Party rising, CBS News buries poll, reports opposite

9/28/13, "CBS News buries poll result showing Tea Party support rising," Legal Insurrection, William A. Jacobson

"So, to sum up, CBS conducted a poll showing that support for the Tea Party was rising rapidly, yet buried the finding, running instead a headline about a Gallup poll showing a supposed drop.

Funny how that works.

While the NY Times did not highlight the Tea Party support findings in its articles, at least it didn’t run the contrary Gallup findings either.

Other than the WaPo article linked above, I can’t find any media references to the rise in Tea Party support reflected in the CBS-NYT poll.

You have been fed a false media narrative of collapsing Tea Party supportNot just false, but completely the opposite of what is happening on the ground.

It might be a bit premature, but I think I can see the 2014 midterms from my desktop."
9/26/13, "Congrats @Gallup for inspiring these 5 misleading anti-Tea Party headlines," Legal Insurrection, William A. Jacobson


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